Sunday, July 10, 2011


He wants to separate himself from us. Thinks my thoughts and comments are out of line. Doesn't want me to feel obligated to communicate with him.

Never mind that we opened our hearts and homes to him. Fed him. Clothed him. Tried to teach him about life and responsibility. Even at age twenty-five.

We invested emotionally in him. Brought him into our tight family circle. Included him in family gatherings and traditions. Gave him money and gifts, and a car. Repaired the car, twice.

So now we are free of him. Except for Allan. He states he wants Allan in his life. But for the rest of us, its time to move on and not look back.

1 comment:

Melrose said...

I'm guessing you're talking about P. ? :( Well, the problem is, he can't have Allan without you. You are sealed in Christ: one flesh. So if he can't love and accept you than he shouldn't get Allan either...but that's just my opinion.